In 2008, Vicky's son, Charlie, suffered a unique medical emergency. The Lord met Charlie in his time of need and gave the sweet boy, and his mom, incredible peace during the craziness of the moment.
Vicky promised God she would write a book to share the experience her son had when he had his own encounter with "The Guy in the Sky". Since the book was first published, it has earned the honor of "USA Best Books Finalist."
Now, Vicky brings this story to life in a special presentation at the Pinckney Public Library.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Pinckney Public Library
125 Putnam Street
Pinckney, MI 48169
6pm-7pm in the Program Room
If you're interested in purchasing a signed copy of the book, download, complete, and return this form to the library by Monday, August 21.